Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Evolving Time!!!

Just wanted to let you all know I'm going to be adding and changing a few things on my site. So keep an eye out for new pages! I've been wanting to try my hand at erotica so I've been kind of jotting down some ideas- will post the stories when I finish them and think they are actually worth reading! :) Also I may post some poetry from time to time. I have always been a lover of poetry- just haven't written any in a Loooooong time! But I've finally been itching to write some after 7 years of not having the heart to. I have to have inspiration to write- so it may be a slow process adding some other writings besides my crazy looney take on submission. But it is in the works!

I also might be adding some photos, links to MY favorite blogs. Who knows what else! We shall see what I can figure out with my goldfish brain. Me and technology- yeah, I hardly know how to use half the functions on my phone- so expanding a website?! Should be interesting. But anyways- keep any eye out for new bits of craziness.

You Know You're A Kinkster When...

I've been doing some thinking- of course we all know that self proclaimed kinksters are completely different from vanilla folk. Recently I took a step back and thought about the differences in our thinking. It's actually kind of hilarious. Have we just gone completely off our rockers or are the vanilla folk just too- vanilla? I compiled a little list.

You Know You're A Kinkster...

When purple is your favorite color

Bruises- As Kinksters we love bruises. We show them off- yeah! A great play session is defined by how purple your ass is, how long the bruises last and how long your ass is sore afterwords. We feel jipped if it only lasts a day. Dammit! We analyze others bruises with envy. "Oooh! That looks like they had fun. Wonder what leaves marks like that." I didn't think anything of this behavior until one day I'm at work talking to my boss- midconversation "What happened to your arms?! Are those bruises?" It was after a play session and I had quite the bruises on my forearms. My immediate thought was "yeah buddy! You think that's something, you should see my ass! Now that's bruising." Then I realized- wait, it looks like I've been in a fight for my life! hehe I like but I'm in the vanilla world now- I should be embarrassed and not wanting to show- especially my boss- my purple ass with pride! So I had to put on the face of "oh, yeah. I'm such a clutz. I'm moving and I keep bumping into things. Man does it hurt." "Ow! yeah that looks like it hurts." If you call your arms being pinned down and being manhandled and spanked as hurt- then sure, lets go wtih that. I prefer to think of it as a fucking awesome night and wouldn't mind all my nights to be so- stimulating.

If the word collar makes you as excited as a kid on Christmas morning

First off- I want to know who the hell was the first person that looked at a collar an thought "that would look hot on my woman." Then- who was the first woman that thought "ooh. A collar- yes I would like nothing more than for you to put that around my neck." Or vice versa. WTF! Don't get me wrong- I think they're totally hot myself- but still- where does this shit come from? A vanilla person would be completely mortified- "A collar?! Have you lost your mind? Like hell you are putting that around my neck! I'm not an animal." But any submissive- well that likes collars- lights up like a firework at the mention of a collar. It's their dream to receive a collar from their Dom- they go show it off to their friends. I got a collar, I got a collar and you don't get one. Do a little "I got a collar" dance. Yeah- I got one all prepared for such an occasion. The worst white girl dance in the world! A little running man, chinese typewriter, cabbage patch, lawn mower, sprinkler and a little "boo yah!" shouted at the end. "In yo face! I got a collar!" Sorry- I get a little carried away when I daydream. Collars tend to do that to me- see! Kinkster! The thought of getting a collar- I'm jumping up and down with excitement- I want one! I want one! Like it's a fucking Rolex watch or something- yeah something totally wrong with wanting to wear a collar- but that's what makes it kinky ;)

If you want to be spanked to tears

You know your kinky if you've ever been in a scene getting your ass handed to you and you think "Harder!!!Spank me harder! I want to cry out in pain!" Or- if you are the one doing the spanking- you want to see the other person writhe in pain and beat their ass so much they have to use their safeword. Immediately when a vanilla person hears the word spanking- it takes them back to their childhood where they were punished and feared a spanking. But here we are as kinksters- you hear the word spanking and you immediately assume the position- "Do it!!!!" You want that pain and that soreness and adrenaline rush. "Get the belt." You hated hearing that as a child- but if you hear that now your shaking in anticipation for the first blow! Yeah- craziness.

If the words gag and bondage thrill you

Normally- if you were to walk into a room- see someone gagged, tied up and being beaten you'd think you walked into a kidnappers dome or serial killer! Unless your kinky- then you think "That's fuckin hot!" I admit- for some reason the thought of a gag kind of scares me a little. I have no idea why- I mean if you trust the person why should it freak you out? I'm really not sure- but then again I'm honestly willing to try anything once. So I'm definately open to it now. But why is it such a big turn on for kinksters to be tied up so we have no way to escape- add to that a gag that muffles crys and speach- why is that so exciting? I guess it all comes down to power exchange. Any vanilla person would honestly think they were going to be tortured to death! But here I am thinking- tie me down so tight I have rope burn and do your worst! Bring it! Now that I have someone I trust to play with- bring it! Bondage galore! Gags a plenty- lets do this!

You think slut is a compliment and want to address others as Sir

Can you imagine a vanilla couple- the guy calls her a slut out of nowhere. Bitch slap! At least I would. I would have been up in his face "Who you calling slut?!" Ok- so not really :) But now- someone says "you're MY slut" I'm thinking "damn straight I am! Say it again!" What?! Since when did slut become a compliment? I don't know but I sure likes. Especially the possessiveness of "MY slut". Yes Sir! Why is it now I am dying to call someone Sir? Even worse- I'm liking Master more and more! When before I refused to EVER address someone as Master. I like that now- but honestly- master is only reserved for if you own me. I think it is a title that is earned and not just given. Also- I don't just call anyone Sir- nope! That is earned as well. But since when do I want to address someone so properly or think of someone as my Master?! I don't know but it is a huge turn on.

If having a stranger spank you in public is no shock

Why is it that in BDSM- you go to an event or open play party, you have exchanged only a few words with a person- yet you're totally comfortable flipping up your skirt and having some STRANGER smack the shit out of your ass?! After- a thank you, you go on your way. That would be like going up to a random person in a regular setting- never met, say "Hey! I'm Mariposa. I like making out but keep the tongue to a minimum and no slobbering or its over!" Then you just start making out. Yeah- so would not happen in a regular setting. Yet when it comes to spanking we think nothing of it. Just like "yeah some random dude bruised my ass last night with his bare hand on my bare ass." WTF! Just like at BaGG my first time- I mean I enjoyed it, but if you stop and actually think about it- it's very bizarre. I spoke to a gentleman- told him I like some pain- what I've done, what I like, what I'd be willing to try. Then like its nothing- this stranger is spanking my bare ass with his hand. Then- his WIFE comes over, never even spoken to her and here she is paddling my bare ass- I don't even know this womans name and she is spanking my ass. Crazy- just crazy. Hot- but crazy.

I understand some aren't into the whole public play thing or even into the lifestyle that much. Some like to keep it totally private and in the bedroom only- but for us out there that show our true colors to others- you get what I mean. So are we the crazy ones or is the rest of the world just too conservative?