Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Dom Or Pervy Jackass?

Alright- I admit it! I have been in a terrible mood lately due to a certain event. I'm trying to stay positive and not let it get to me, but it's not working. So I figure I rant a little- ok a lot probably- and that'll be that. Again- like therapy- get it out. So excuse me while I rant! FYI- I am not speaking of Dom's in general in this post, it is aimed at one individual who thinks himself a Dom. I was going to post about the experience I had but I decided not to- because even though he said he wont read my blog, I know he's going to because the curiosity will kill him! So I'm not giving him the satisfaction of reading what I have to say of the experience- that's mine to keep :) Instead I will address the issues I have with him and a few others I've come across that think sub's are stupid and can't think for themselves.

I know there are a lot of submissive women that have no self confidence and are doormats- so I can see why in general some would think subs would just sit and put up with men's crap. Well I'm here to tell you- sorry we are not all like that. I've been around the block a few times. Even though I'm only 27- you being in your 30s does not mean you know more when it comes to the opposite sex. I've been with players quite a few times unfortunately and I know their tactics. So don't think you fooled me- I know exactly what you are!

Now- I'm not upset with the peson for being a player- because honestly I knew it going in. But again me being me- I tried to see the good in him- what can I say? Always looking for the positive in people- always. No- I'm not upset with him- he's the one who is going to have to deal with his own issues someday. Unfortunately his head is so far up his ass at this point to see the light. So again, no I'm not upset with him- I'm upset with myself for thinking there is good in everyone and actually putting myself out there and hoping to be treated with respect. I forget- not everyone follows the same rules as me- I believe you respect others no matter what- because I want respect in return. As the old saying goes- treat others as you wish to be treated. Call me old fashioned but I live by that rule. Call it karma, fate- whatever, I truly believe it comes back to you.

So- I don't appreciate being taken for a fool- I may be naive in some aspects of life but I know enough that I don't have to put up with your degradation. Your the one that was an ass yet when confronted- what is your tactic? Instead of denying the issue I brought up- or even acknowledging the issue- you try to undermine me, make me feel weak, call me names, try to make me feel stupid. If what I said was incorrect- isn't the first response usually to deny the claim? In my experience it is- yet you never even addressed it! Which in my experience- confirms I was right. Which means you've been found out and you were pissed I was smart enough to figure it out- so your tactic was to put me down. Nope- didn't work. Why didn't it work? Two reasons; One: I've dealt with too many of your kind- I know the drill. Two: I have a brain! I use it! I can put two and two together- I'm not going to state how I figured it out- but I have my reasons. I'm not just being a bitch to be a bitch.

You supposedly like submissive women with a dominant personality yet you can't take it when one calls your bluff? Hmm, interesting. Very interesting. I may be submissive, but that in no way shape or form means I can be taken advantage of. So I've come up with three scenarios that could be true- none of which are good. One: your just a cheater, maybe your sub really doesn't know of your other "flings". Two: You just weren't that into me and instead of manning up and saying- not that into you- you came up with this extravagant lie. Which makes you a pathetic liar. Or three: you really do have major issues you need to work through- but you definately should not be with anyone while you deal with them. Plus- someone who needs 3+ girls in their life at once- there is really something wrong with you. The way I see it- your fucked whatever the scenario is!

Now my rant is over and I can move on with my life. But you- you are either trying to deal with your issues which is never fun or you are jumping for joy for "fooling" another chick with your routine. Good luck with that! Ok- now I can move on to happier posts. hehe

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